Post by IxneiPost by Vern Isbell1.2 gig, not even big enough to hold win98!
Nah, it'll hold win98 OK, with ~700mb to spare. Win2k will fill it
completely, and the service packs will only be applicable if the disk is
compressed. Winxp will not fit at all.
How do I know? Like I said a couple weeks back on the other dead thread,
I purchased one of these drives 2 years ago at a garage sale for $0.50,
and I've tested it on some older AT boxes I have.
An honest offer? How about -$5; as in, he pays me $5 to dispose of that
drive in an environmentally friendly manner!
We HAVE been at war with Iraq for 13 years now, bombing their
country on at least a weekly basis.
"U.S.-led sanctions have killed over a million Iraqi citizens,
according to UN studies" - James Jennings
3,000+ innocent Iraqi civilian casualties can't be "wrong"...