Louis Bybee
2004-06-16 05:50:23 UTC
If you will be attending the SeaPac Ham Convention at Seaside, Oregon this
weekend be sure to stop by the Cascade Amateur Radio Society's booth and
have your radio, or one you intend to buy tested. A complete test of all
operating parameters will be performed, with results graphed, and printed
out for your record.
We will offer this service Saturday only, on the main floor flea market
We have participated in radio testing at three other Ham Fests recently,
with many happy and a few unhappy people after receiving the results. A
number of dysfunctional radios were identified, others operating at less
than specified levels, and a few were identified as operating well above the
advertised specs. In all cases where a potential sale was in progress the
results assisted the decision, and price setting process.
Pictures of testing at recent Ham Fest at Puyallup, Washington at the
following URL.
Hope to see you there!
Thank you.
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weekend be sure to stop by the Cascade Amateur Radio Society's booth and
have your radio, or one you intend to buy tested. A complete test of all
operating parameters will be performed, with results graphed, and printed
out for your record.
We will offer this service Saturday only, on the main floor flea market
We have participated in radio testing at three other Ham Fests recently,
with many happy and a few unhappy people after receiving the results. A
number of dysfunctional radios were identified, others operating at less
than specified levels, and a few were identified as operating well above the
advertised specs. In all cases where a potential sale was in progress the
results assisted the decision, and price setting process.
Pictures of testing at recent Ham Fest at Puyallup, Washington at the
following URL.
Hope to see you there!
Thank you.
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